Bitching about the goddess, was Did Giada get a boob job?
Nancy2 wrote:
> On Mar 4, 1:08 pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>>> Try counting by gender those who like and dislike Nigella. It's very
>>>> heavily males who like her and females who dislike her. Am I to equate
>>>> her to The Three Stooges? It's not the simplest conclusion.
>>> I think you just answered your own question about Nigella. You boys
>>> are not thinking with your brains.
>> We aren't. It is her lovely voice and her articulate speech that does it
>> for me.
> ...aka "little brains."
Oh Christ, that is ridiculous. Articulate.... look it up if you have to.
The woman is undoubtedly very intelligent and I have to wonder about
anyone who would interpret my comment that she was articulate as meaning
she has "little brains".