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Damaeus[_2_] Damaeus[_2_] is offline
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Default Condensed milk ....redeux......

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ImStillMags > posted:

> On Mar 3, 10:29+AKA-am, ImStillMags > wrote:
> > The NY Times has a great article today about sweetened condensed milk.
> >
> > I know there have been debates here about using it and it has been
> > both praised and poo pooed...
> >
> > Personally, I'm a fan.
> >
> >

> the condensed milk ice cream recipe looks interesting.....wonder if
> you can add other flavors and fruit, etc?

Sweetened-condensed milk (which I was taught to simply call "Eaglebrand"
milk) was simply /the/ way my parents made ice cream when I was a kid. It
was simple, fast, and tasty. I think we had a six-quart freezer, but I
can't swear by it. Anyway, three cans of Eaglebrand, two cans of
evaporated milk, and the rest was regular milk and some vanilla. Plug in
the ice cream freezer and start adding ice and salt.

Of course, coming out of the ice cream freezer, it was more like a thick
milkshake. When freezing the leftovers, it got very hard, but that was
cool because I liked to shave it off with the edge of a spoon and eat it
that way. My friend's mom used the same recipe, except she added a
package of something called "Salada Ice Cream Mix", I think it was called.
That magically made even the frozen leftover ice cream very easy to dig
into--quite a fluffy freeze.

After moving out on my own, I started making ice cream with heavy cream
instead of evaporated milk. I like it both ways, though.

Also, I made a "cheesecake" ice cream by using a stand mixer and the whisk
to carefully and patiently blend together cream cheese with the
"Eaglebrand" milk and some cream to get the whole concoction thin enough
that it would mix easily with the milk and the rest of the cream. The
result was pretty good, but I would have liked a cream-cheesier
flavor...with that characteristic "twang" that cream cheese has. I don't
know if more would have helped or not. I felt like three packages of
cream cheese was starting to negatively affect the texture of the final
result, so adding more seemed to be a bad idea. I've only made cheesecake
ice cream once, though.
