partlyOT--- Landlord woes
PLucas1 wrote:
> > wrote in -
>> "atec 77"<"atec 77 > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Kent wrote:
>>>> The above is an example of why we switched from being residential
>>>> landlords to commercial landlords. Who owns the building? Who pays the
>>>> taxes and insurance? Who pays for repairs after you move out and leave
>>>> holes all over the place? We have about $25,000 in judgments due us from
>>>> former tenants. Can we collect them? Good Luck!
>>> you do realise you answered a troll ?
>>> not Peter
>> No I didn't. Thanks for pointing this out.
> You have done it more than once, and it has been pointed out to you on more
> than on occasion........ therefore, you're too damn stupid, or you're a sock
> puppet for the trolls/stalkers.
> Either way, you've just earnt yourself a holiday in my idiot bin.
> See you in 100 days...... if you're still here.
OMG peter you are just plain SAD to put it in those terms! LOL!
1: Nobody could care less if they're in your killfile
2: You NEVER killfile anyone who you think may comment about you,
especially if on a regular basis.
3: You've tripped up so many times over the years by either replying
directly to someone supposedly in your killfile, or indirectly referring
to same in a later post.
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism
by those who haven't got it - George Bernard Shaw