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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Aaiiieeee! I need help :)

sf wrote:

>>>>> I really got into the whole "natural" thing when my oldest was little.
>>>>> That meant no artificially colored foods, which included yellow
>>>>> cheese.
>>>> Annatto is completely natural.
>>> Annatto isn't present in milk.

>> Neither is rennet, but you bought cheese anyway.

> Rennet didn't color the cheese.

So what are you objecting to? Annatto is not artificial, so you can't be
objecting to an artificial color. And since you allow rennet, then you're
not objecting to things which weren't in the milk to start off with. So if
you allow additional ingredients (which you do, obviously), and you allow
natural ingredients (which annatto is), then what's wrong with yellow

Or is this just one of those "I was young and dumb" things?
