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Default Frozen pot pie shocker!

On Mar 4, 6:30�pm, notbob > wrote:
> As several of you know, we have frozen sewers (still) during this
> record setting Winter. �Making dirty dishes is a real hassle, so we
> are living on canned and frozen foods that can be nuked or sandwiches
> which need zero clean-up.
> Mom loves Banquet frozen meals. �They're cheap and she has little
> sense of taste. �I refuse to eat the damn things cuz --well, cuz they
> suck. �Except!! �I wuz hungry and lazy and found a dinky Banquet pot
> pie in the freezer. �What the Hell. �I expected little except to calm
> my belly. �Jes 5 mins in microwave and to my surprise, this little
> beef pot pie was astonishing. �For what it was, it had a lot of beef.
> Only 4-1/4" in diameter, a mere 7oz fer the whole pie, it was actually
> good. �Very beefy flavor, not too thick a crust --Marie Calender pot
> pies are easily one third crust-- and nice 1/2-2/3" cubes of real lean
> beef. �Not much in the way of veggies, a kernel of corn and a pea or
> two.... but very tasty and, did I mention beef!
> I was so impressed, next time I went to mrkt I made a point of picking
> up more of same. �Another shocker. �On sale for $.66! �Real beef, real
> crust, real gravy, really tasty, two thirds of a buck. �They're in
> those crisping type pie pans, so the crust comes out as good as oven
> baked. �Amazing. �Fer a little over a half a dollar, this is easily
> the best food deal in the mkt. �Buy a doz, eat two at a time. �
> nb

I like Banquet pot pies too. I like to eat out the insides and then
eat the crust last. Don't tell anyone but I also like frozen pizza,
I eat a burrito for lunch everyday, and I use can goods when I cook.