Thread: not Stroganoff
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aem aem is offline
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Default not Stroganoff

Due to a combination of unexpected factors I ended up with a leftover
pork tenderloin, a little more than a pound. I sauteed a bunch of
mushrooms, maybe 8 oz., in a generous dollop of butter, squeezing the
juice of a lime over them as they cooked. Then I sliced the
tenderloin thinly and added that to the mushrooms. Stirred in sour
cream until all heated through and served it over rice. It was
lacking something, or maybe several somethings, but I excused myself
because I was tired. Looking back, I think I had the beginnings of
something that could have been pretty good if I figured out what to
add. Onion? Worcestershire? Tomato paste? Sherry? Parsley in some
way other than a garnish sprinkle? What would you have done? -aem