Bitching about the goddess, was Did Giada get a boob job?
> > Callypigian? *As in proportions of Venus? *And that isn't sexist?
> > Give me a break.
> No, recognizing that she is a woman is hardly sexist. *Saying she is
> incapable of doing X, Y or Z BECAUSE she is a woman IS sexist. *
> Suggesting that men are superior to women IS sexist. *And I didn't say
> anything of the sort. *But you did.
How's your reading comprehension? I never said she wasn't competent.
I said essentially that I didn't like her manner of speaking. Quit
putting words and meanings in my posts that aren't there.
> Maybe I'm just old school when the word "sexist" actually meant something
> specific (belief in the inferiority of women based solely on their sex),
> not just attacked everything.
> person. *Callipygian (from the Gr. kallipygos, meaning "having
> beautifully shaped buttocks") proportions are within the pervue of
> pulchritude. *Are the statues of the Venuses sexist? *According to your
> reaction, I guess they are. *Let those Ancient sculptor beware!
Again, reading comprehension must not be your strong suit. You said
she was a goddess because of her callipygian qualities. That is
certainly allowable. To say that this is why anyone else should
admire her cooking show is just ridiculous AND sexist. Remember? We
started out talking about her cooking shows and her TV persona.
Give it up - you're in too deep to dig yourself out.