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Ophelia[_7_] Ophelia[_7_] is offline
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Default Bitching about the goddess, was Did Giada get a boob job?

"Nancy2" > wrote in message
> On Mar 4, 4:35 pm, Mort > wrote:
>> Christine Dabney wrote:
>> > And she is highly respected in the food world in those parts. I just
>> > recently read an article by Nigel Slater, the British food writer who
>> > is highly respected and he said that Nigella is one of the 3
>> > cooks/writers/cookbook authors that someone should have in their
>> > library. Especally her book, How To Eat. Nigel supposedly plays
>> > for "the other team" so to speak so I know he wasn't basing this on
>> > her appearance or demeanor.

>> > Personally, I like Nigella a lot. I like her food, and her approach to
>> > eating and cooking. I have several of her cookbooks and they really
>> > are very good.

>> > I wish a lot of folks could get beyond what they see on TV, and see
>> > that she is a fine cook. Her recipes work, and they are good.

>> This is the problem with tv. It tends to emphasize the superficial.
>> You're the first one to mention anything of substance about
>> Nigella. She is indeed a highly respected food writer, and I'm
>> not talking about just cookbooks. That's how she got her start
>> long before she did television.
>> --
>> Mort- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

> That's fine - I have nothing against her culinary skill and might even
> enjoy her writing, if I felt I had a need for any more food-oriented
> writing ... which I don't. I learn things all the time from other TV
> shows - and I have had so many cookbooks in my life that I've sold
> about half of them just so I have space. If I thought I needed
> Nigella's books, I'd have no problem reading them.
> What's the name of that other female British TV culinary personality
> who used to have shows on PBS now and then? The one with a "country"
> type house and kitchen, and beautiful photography? I can't remember
> her name, but I really liked watching (and learning from) her
> programs. (She's also got cookery books in several volumes, I
> believe.)

Dunno but you mean Delia Smith?
