Thread: not Stroganoff
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default not Stroganoff

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aem > wrote:

> Due to a combination of unexpected factors I ended up with a leftover
> pork tenderloin, a little more than a pound. I sauteed a bunch of
> mushrooms, maybe 8 oz., in a generous dollop of butter, squeezing the
> juice of a lime over them as they cooked. Then I sliced the
> tenderloin thinly and added that to the mushrooms. Stirred in sour
> cream until all heated through and served it over rice. It was
> lacking something, or maybe several somethings, but I excused myself
> because I was tired. Looking back, I think I had the beginnings of
> something that could have been pretty good if I figured out what to
> add. Onion? Worcestershire? Tomato paste? Sherry? Parsley in some
> way other than a garnish sprinkle? What would you have done? -aem

There is nothing wrong with keeping it simple. Maybe a little dry
Vermouth, granulated garlic and a few fresh parsley leaves. A browned
Onion would not hurt but would (imho) not be necessary.

Maybe some MSG <eg>
Peace! Om

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