semiOT--- Poodle issue with plumbing
On Mar 5, 12:49*pm, projectile vomit chick
> wrote:
> On Mar 5, 2:11*pm, PLucas1 > wrote:
> > My beloved poodle is shedding. I brush him everyday and he just got
> > groomed, but he is still shedding, so much so that after playing with
> > him when wearing a dark bandana it is full of hair. *I thought they do
> > not shed, is this normal? My landlord is also blaming the poodle hair
> > for blocking the toilet, can this happen or is he just using it as an
> > excuse to enter my flat? He has a habit of doing this.
> Are you sure it's the poodle hair blocking the loo? *Perhaps your SO
> needs to trim her pussy. call your boyfriend a cute. I think your
landlord has a crush on you...let him in and do him. Then maybe he'll
let you keep the night light and the smoke alarm. still have
some poo on your chin.