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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Aaiiieeee! I need help :)

blake murphy wrote:

>On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 15:32:56 -0600, Omelet wrote:
>> In article
>> >,
>> Dan Abel > wrote:
>>> I'm not sure what that word means. What many of us have realized is
>>> that Sheldon thinks that this group is just a big joke. This is his
>>> sense of humor. Some people enjoy it, others don't. Someone who he
>>> used to bombard with Emails (and he has stated quite clearly that he has
>>> only Emailed a handful of people on this group, and then only a couple
>>> of times) explained it once. He posts the most outrageous things, and
>>> then waits to see what reaction he gets. Sometimes people believe him.
>>> Sometimes they get really irate. Either way he is happy. He's probably
>>> chuckling away to his cats right now about how he's got you going again.

>> So you are saying he likes to yank chains? <g> Who'd a thunk it?
>> Personally, I like Sheldon and find him entertaining to read. I think
>> that overall, like Swertz, he's really a good person at heart but uses
>> usenet as much for entertainment as anything else. And both of them
>> really are good cooks...

>no. a 'good person at heart' does not go out of his way to insult people
>just to get a rise out of them.

What irony... that makes you the most sardonic creep here... and don't
take that literally, you don't have knees! LOL The mick is also in
the bottom 10 percentile of the usenet ignoranus pool... someone whose
only purpose for being here is bashing out his bitterness on people is
dumber than shit for advertising that he has no legs... did we really
need to visualize your freak showedness on a cooking group... NOT! You
deserve every KICK in your vulvacanized pie hole you get.

Why is it on a COOKING group do we need to know who's ***, who's
shacking up, who's screwing a shmoozlin, who's a tri-polar, who has
false teeth, etc., like if yer gonna advertise the most intimate
details of your personal life in a public arena then you have no right
to expect any consideration when you bash anyone for anything when you
yourself are admitedly more a freak than those you harrass. I don't
really want to read anyones intimate personal beeswax here, save that
for private email. I don't even want to read who emails who... that
tells me who never to trust. I learned a long, LONG time ago never to
tell anything intimately personal about my life in email, yoose all
have FLD... and Flapping Lips sink ships... email is much too easy to
edit and forward. In usenet too many people you think are your
friends one day will the next day stab you in the back in a heartbeat.
Like Om and the dwarf, not for a second do I believe they don't sit
around discussing me and plotting strategy for setting me up... and
then right here in this thread one lies and the other swears to it...
comparing my cooking to the sqwartz doesn't stroke my ego one bit,
he'll never be in my class, in fact with what you gleaned from me you
are a much better cook than he will ever be.