"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote
>> Good. Folks who observe meatless Fridays during Lent are often looking
>> for meal ideas < I think of D's post as a nudge; a "Hey, this is good
>> and will satisfy meatless Friday requirements." I appreciate his post.
> I always had a problems with the fish on Fridays deal. It was supposed to
> be a form of sacrifice. It is OK to eat a $10 a pound lobster but not a
> 79¢ a pound hot dog.
The "sacrifice" as you call it, I don't think has much to do with the form
of the observance. Because of my age I don't have to observe this practice.
I choose to do so as a reminder of the "reason" behind the observance. The
40 days of Lent. it is a reminder of the 40 days and a preparation for the
Easter observance/time.