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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Aaiiieeee! I need help :)

Om wrote:

> I had to say something when you added sf to your attacks.
> It was uncalled for.

sf blatantly lied about the ease of obtaining white cheddar, then spouted
off utter nonsense about "artificial" and "unnatural" additives to cheese. I
challenged her on a factual basis, and asked her to explain her thought
process. She took that as an attack, and apparently so did you, but THAT was
no kind of attack at all, it was merely pointing out factual and cognitive
failures. She's the one who got personal.

You seem to have some bug up your butt telling you that I've suddenly turned
abusive, and that's coloring your perception of everything I wrote. If it
bothers you so greatly, I suggest you killfile me. Your harping will only
make things worse, I assure you.
