Thread: Lent
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J. Clarke J. Clarke is offline
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Default Lent

On 3/5/2010 11:57 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
>> In article >,
>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:
>>> I always had a problems with the fish on Fridays deal. It was
>>> supposed to
>>> be a form of sacrifice. It is OK to eat a $10 a pound lobster but not
>>> a 79¢
>>> a pound hot dog.

>> Were you raised Roman Catholic, Byzantine Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or
>> another faith where that was the rule, Ed? AFAIK, **it wasn't that you
>> had to eat fish on Friday**; the fast was that you **couldn't eat meat**
>> on Friday. There is a difference. In our house, typical Friday meals
>> were tuna casserole, creamed tuna on toast, creamed peas and carrots on
>> mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, pirohy, fried sunfish.
>> Lobster? Out of the realm of reality at our house. The only time I
>> ever had it was when I was a young adult and was on a dinner date.

> I was raised RC but have not followed it very closely for years.
> Friday meals were meatless, of course, often fish or a cheese pizza.
> Sometimes grilled cheese and tomato soup. Once a month of so, my mother
> would order from McCandless's Seafood store and we'd get fried oyster,
> clam cakes etc. There was a line outside on Friday.
> Many of the church practices have roots and reasons from centuries ago
> but they don't always translate into the 18th through 21st centuries.
> The mass in Latin was silly too. As kids, we attended but had no idea
> what was said or why. It was 40 minutes of daydreaming.

Might not understand it but you can read a grocery list in Latin and it
sounds impressive.