IMHO Hash for breakfast is an excellent way to use up extra potatoes, no
matter how they were cooked. I generally use cubed up baked, nuked,
steamed (or whatever) spuds, eggs, onions and corned beef, spam, ham or
bacon (some kind of cured meat) and fry it up all together.
Chop up a fresh onion and fry it in Olive oil until it begins to brown.
Add cured meat and pre-cooked cubed spuds. Warm all that well then set
aside. Cook eggs separately in some olive oil (or bacon grease), make
scrambled eggs with them and break them up into large chunks. Add to
the other ingredients.
This is how I make it. How do you?
I imagine some bell pepper would work with this but I don't always care
for it.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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