Two new pizza pics
On Sat, 6 Mar 2010 03:01:55 -0800, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:
> What other vegetables did you use? I think this might be a good place to use
> an overabundance of zucchini.
Jeeze, I made it only this last week and already I don't remember - it
wasn't important. I just took what we didn't have enough of to make a
vegetable serving all by themselves and threw them in. Zucchini would
be fine, AFAIC.
> This recipe along with other recent discussions on this list[1] reminds me
> of Hubert Keller's recipe for roasted chicken using a vertical roaster.[2]
> "Showing off" comes into it from a comment he made on the TV show which
> didn't make it into the recipe published on the web site. The chicken (still
> proudly upright on the vertical roaster) is garnished by sticking rosemary
> sprigs into its neck opening. Then just as you're bringing the chicken to
> the table, you're supposed to SET THE ROSEMARY ON FIRE as you parade the
> chicken into the dining room.
Good God! How are you suppose to get a sprig of fresh rosemary to
burn, with lighter fluid?
> Now THAT'S showing off! (Even more so than those sizzling fajita platters or
> the Chinese "sizzling rice" dishes.)
When I was a kid, I used to order shish kabob because I liked fire.
They dimmed the lights and paraded it across the room, which was quite
a show. As an adult, I hate to think of how they lit it and got it to
stay lit while they waltzed across the room to the table with sabers
on fire.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.