Thread: Lamb shoulder?
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Lamb shoulder?

Michael Horowitz wrote:
> Many years ago I had what I believe was lamb shoulder at a Greek
> resturant; I'm trying to duplicate what I had. I recall it was
> spherical shaped, about3" in diameter.
> I went to a local butcher and asked to see a lamb shoulder and he
> showed me something that looked like a leg of lamb.
> Can someone suggest where the descrepency between what I was expecting
> and what the butcher showed me might have been? - Mike

From my experience in Greek restaurants, it was probably a rolled
shoulder roast. Unlike leg of lamb, it tends to have a lot more fat on
it. While legs usually have some fat on the outside, the shoulders tend
to have thick veins of fat within. ImStillMags suggested that it might
have been shanks, but you didn't mention anything about bones, and again
from my experience, Greek restaurants are more into roasting than braising.