Aaiiieeee! I need help :)
On Fri, 05 Mar 2010 16:41:14 -0500, brooklyn1 wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>>On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 15:32:56 -0600, Omelet wrote:
>>> In article
>>> >,
>>> Dan Abel > wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure what that word means. What many of us have realized is
>>>> that Sheldon thinks that this group is just a big joke. This is his
>>>> sense of humor. Some people enjoy it, others don't. Someone who he
>>>> used to bombard with Emails (and he has stated quite clearly that he has
>>>> only Emailed a handful of people on this group, and then only a couple
>>>> of times) explained it once. He posts the most outrageous things, and
>>>> then waits to see what reaction he gets. Sometimes people believe him.
>>>> Sometimes they get really irate. Either way he is happy. He's probably
>>>> chuckling away to his cats right now about how he's got you going again.
>>> So you are saying he likes to yank chains? <g> Who'd a thunk it?
>>> Personally, I like Sheldon and find him entertaining to read. I think
>>> that overall, like Swertz, he's really a good person at heart but uses
>>> usenet as much for entertainment as anything else. And both of them
>>> really are good cooks...
>>no. a 'good person at heart' does not go out of his way to insult people
>>just to get a rise out of them.
> What irony... that makes you the most sardonic creep here... and don't
> take that literally, you don't have knees! LOL The mick is also in
> the bottom 10 percentile of the usenet ignoranus pool... someone whose
> only purpose for being here is bashing out his bitterness on people is
> dumber than shit for advertising that he has no legs... did we really
> need to visualize your freak showedness on a cooking group... NOT! You
> deserve every KICK in your vulvacanized pie hole you get.
there's a gut that's really nice at heart, om.