Thread: cooking party
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bulka[_2_] bulka[_2_] is offline
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Default cooking party

It didn't start out this way, just a casual get together with friends
on my visit back to Chicago.

But the host and one guest are two weeks short of graduation from
culinary school, another guest is a chef who has moved up to
management, another has a pie blog, another is a former restaurant
waiter and manager. And me, the excellent amateur. So, that's where
the conversation went.

We were in the kitchen. I had some dips and stuff. But, there were
pots and knives, a refridgerator, booze and herbal enhancements.
Improvisational cooking ensued. Somebody found the chicken.
Brussels sprouts. Spices from the International Cooking section of
the class.

Better food than we would have planned, but not a recipe that any of
us will remember.
