Oscar day food
PLucas wrote:
> I've seen Avatar,
No interest in that one.
> and The Hurt Locker,
We (Guy and I) thought that movie was just okay. Not great, not terrible.
> and Inglorius Bestards (stupid
> bloody movie!! But what do you expect from Tarantino??!!),
Well, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are two of the movies that hit my
all-time-best-films list, but I haven't seen anything interesting from
him in a long time. However, we have it on DVD and may watch it today
before the ceremonies.
> and Up.
I don't get why everyone loved that one so much.
I also have A Serious Man on DVD, and have seen District 9 and the
Animated Shorts. I wish I'd made it to more of the films, but oh, well.
ObFood: I've decided to keep it simple. Guy has a favorite sandwich at
the Italian deli, so I'm picking up sandwiches and I'll also make some
sort of puff-pastry appetizer. I need to keep pork out of everything,
because the friend who is coming to join us doesn't eat pork.
So here's the menu, at the moment:
Popcorn and sodas for viewing time
Sandwiches and chips for lunch
SOMETHING for dinner; I'm heading off to Safeway now to see what kind of
inexpensive meat they may have, because my viewing companions are big
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