In article >,
"cshenk" > wrote:
> "Omelet" wrote,
> > sf wrote:
> >> I prefer shredded. My husband used to make awesome hash browns from
> >> raw, shredded potatoes. He doesn't do that anymore now that he's
> >> limiting every speck of fat intake.
> >
> > Hash does not have to be fatty. You can use a lean, low fat meat and
> > egg beaters. :-) Potatoes are not, by themselves, high in fat?
> > I wonder if you can cook hash browns in "Promise" or some other fat
> > substitute?
> Yes, it will work. Olive Oil works well. I use that with a bit of bacon
> grease, or duck fat (rendered) or if out of bacon grease and duck fat, I
> normally add a little butter for the flavor.
> Don makes his in straight olive oil usually. It's not the super virgin
> stuff but the simple bertoli's and it's like that we use.
Bertoli's is good. So is pompeian.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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