Making hash...
"Bent Attorney Esq." > wrote in message
On Mar 6, 12:48 pm, Omelet > wrote:
> IMHO Hash for breakfast is an excellent way to use up extra potatoes, no
> matter how they were cooked. I generally use cubed up baked, nuked,
> steamed (or whatever) spuds, eggs, onions and corned beef, spam, ham or
> bacon (some kind of cured meat) and fry it up all together.
> Chop up a fresh onion and fry it in Olive oil until it begins to brown.
> Add cured meat and pre-cooked cubed spuds. Warm all that well then set
> aside. Cook eggs separately in some olive oil (or bacon grease), make
> scrambled eggs with them and break them up into large chunks. Add to
> the other ingredients.
Grease is what you put on an axle. Bacon fat is what is used in
So, if a recipe called for greasing and flouring a pan, you'd have to run to
the garage, right?