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Dale P[_2_] Dale P[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 144
Default Chili's onion strings and jalapiņo

We do not usually go to Chili's. The ones here are probably above average
for a chain. We went to one in a smaller town in Kansas this summer and it
was awful. There was not much else open in a small town late that night.

Anyway, went to Chili's the other day. They have an appetizer of lightly
batter onion strings and jalapino. They are GREAT. The fried jalapino is
really good and the onion gives you a cushion so as to not just be eating
jalapino. The dipping sauce is good, but not necessary, as they are just to
good alone. We will go back for them again.

The burgers we order were also good, as described, and reasonable price. Of
all of the big chains, Chili's is the one we will go to now and then.

Dale P