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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Chili's onion strings and jalapiņo

In article > ,
"Dale P" > wrote:

> We do not usually go to Chili's. The ones here are probably above average
> for a chain. We went to one in a smaller town in Kansas this summer and it
> was awful. There was not much else open in a small town late that night.
> Anyway, went to Chili's the other day. They have an appetizer of lightly
> batter onion strings and jalapino. They are GREAT. The fried jalapino is
> really good and the onion gives you a cushion so as to not just be eating
> jalapino. The dipping sauce is good, but not necessary, as they are just to
> good alone. We will go back for them again.
> The burgers we order were also good, as described, and reasonable price. Of
> all of the big chains, Chili's is the one we will go to now and then.
> Dale P

I recently went to our local Chilis too and it was surprisingly good. I
suspect they have made an effort to improve the menu to attract a wider
audience. Jalapeno's however, are not my cup of tea.<g>
Peace! Om

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