On Sun, 07 Mar 2010 19:21:23 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article >,
> brooklyn1 > wrote:
>> Many home canners produce their own pectin by hanging damaged apples
>> in cheese cloth, squishing and letting their juices drip into a pot
>Many? ROTFLMAO!!! Some might; I don't know any.
Then your jam world is small, or you associate with the wealthier home
preservers. Apples are very plentiful in NY State. Commercial
pectin is expensive, apples are cheap, or free for the taking. Not
everyone buys their fruit from the market like you do, or has an "in"
with a commercial canner. A lot of people hereabouts grow their own
and put up a lot of fruit of all kinds, it's a major part of their
livelihood, not something they dabble at to win ribbons. Many folks
make their own pectin... I discovered this because the locals ask to
harvest my crabapples, but I prefer to let the critters have them, and
I don't need folks over running the place, especially when there's
nothing in it for me. Believe it or not many folks in NY State raise
livestock and grow much of their own feed... it's not a hobby, it's
how they survive.