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Zeppo[_2_] Zeppo[_2_] is offline
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Default Freeze Dried Fried Vegetables

"Jean B." > wrote in message
> Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Sun, 07 Mar 2010 16:09:46 -0600, Omelet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> Sqwertz > wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 07 Mar 2010 09:46:43 -0600, Omelet wrote:
>>>>> The concept sounds good, (I've lately been eating those freeze dried
>>>>> fried and salted whole garlic cloves from Austin Central Market as
>>>>> they are the GODS but give you garlic breath from hell <eg>)
>>>> I didn't like those at all. You can have the rest of my bag. I
>>>> also tried the okra. Also the pits. I believe they've been
>>>> discontinued.
>>>> Are you sure that's how they were made? I couldn't find any info on
>>>> the unique process/texture.
>>> I asked one of the clerks

>> So you think they're freeze dried, then fried? I don't remember
>> seeing oil as one of the ingredients. But I'm not sure if they had
>> any ingredients listed as they came pre-packaged from bulk (but not
>> available in the bulk section). So that's an easy loophole not to
>> disclose the ingredients.
>> I thought the garlic tasted a little off - kinda stale. And it
>> turned pasty in the mouth. And somebody else bought the okra, which
>> I tried, and we both agreed that they somehow preserved the slime
>> factor. And they were "sharp". Not as in strong tasting, but
>> pointy. They turned into gum-splitting shards of glass when you
>> chewed them.
>> But the process that maintains the vegetables perfect shape and
>> makes them so crispy is truly unique. If freeze dried, I would have
>> thought that would leave the vegetables shriveled. And they don't
>> really taste cooked.
>> I assume "they" (whoever manufacturers them) tried it with
>> everything they could think of, and the best outcomes have been
>> brought to market. I just didn't like the two veggies I tried.
>> I wonder if the same process works with meat...
>> Anybody know who makes these things? I've never seen them before
>> and there is no labeling except a store bulk label.
>> -sw

> A fairly long time ago, I was buying the combos that consisted of green
> beans, carrots, taro--probably more. At some point, they were being made
> in Vietnam, not that that is much of a clue, and there has been much time
> for that to change.

I get a similar mix at a local store. Love it but the package didn't include
the origin of the product...
