In article >,
George Leppla > wrote:
> sf wrote:
> > On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 12:19:53 -0600, Becca > wrote:
> >
> >> there are phytonutrients in foods, that we
> >> are not even aware of, yet, at least this is what my doctor told me.
> >
> > Be careful. I have to look up big words like phytonutrients.
> >
> > sf <impressed>
> The stuff she knows is simply amazing. She can hold her own in almost
> any conversation on damn near any subject.
> But today she isn't feeling well so I made her soup for lunch and I did
> a big pot of spaghetti sauce for supper and she is sitting in the
> living room wrapped in a blanket watching TV and hopefully napping.
> When she gets sick, ***I*** am the Boss around here... and she'll get
> some rest and take her meds whether she likes it or not.
> George L
Oh dear! Give her a sympathetic hug for me please? I hope she gets
better quickly!
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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