Servers no longer surly
Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Mar 2010 21:48:11 -0500, > wrote:
>> It seems your point was less about fish and more about announcing that
>> you drive an Audi. As an avid owner of cars from another German
>> company, I can only suggest that you look at their horrendous
>> depreciation before you consider another.
> Well, no, as I cannot imagine what benefit I would gain in"announcing"
> that my car is an Audi. It's a freakin' Audi! And, as to its
> "horrendous" depreciation, who gives a rat's rear end? I drive the
> wheels off my cars, and this is my third Audi, second A4...the
> *smallest* of the A series. Jaysus, take a breath.
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
It had nothing to do with your post but you were compelled to add it.
Narcissist just bug the hell out of me. Sorry for the intrusion.