Hoo Boy!
On Mon, 8 Mar 2010 22:32:49 -0800, "Steve B"
> wrote:
> My vision is + 2.00 in one eye and 2.50 in the other. Then add 2.00 to both
> for close stuff. Approaching Coke bottle proportions.
> I got some new bifocal contacts today, and Hoo Boy! I'm typing without
> glasses, and clear as a bell. I have a crick in my neck, tho, from
> habitually raising my head up to see through the bottom portion of the
> bifocals.
You're very lucky. I tried them out a couple of months ago but they
didn't work for me. Glad to hear they worked for you though!
> I would recommend them to anyone. Can't wait to get out in the shop and try
> them welding and metalworking.
Don't forget to wear your shop glasses!
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.