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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Freeze Dried Fried Vegetables

Omelet wrote:
> In article >, "Jean B." >
> wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> In article >, "Jean B." >
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> The mix also includes dried sweet potatoes, carrots, taro and one other
>>>>>>> veggie. Can't think of it at the moment.
>>>>>> You're going to make me go back out again, aren't you?
>>>>> <g> They are rather tasty. I get just the straight packages of carrots
>>>>> for dad. He's also been eating the garlic I bought...
>>>> Notice the absence? I got some. The veggie matter is sweet
>>>> potatoes, squash [definitely winter squash], carrots, green beans,
>>>> and taro. These are from Taiwan.
>>> Eating them straight or with a dip? :-) I'm curious as to what the
>>> squash is.
>>> And yes, we missed ya!

>> LOL! Well, the taro sure needs something. I might feed it and
>> the sweet potato (which is not what WE call sweet potato in the
>> US) to the animals.

> At least it won't go to waste. <g> I'm not a fan of the Taro either.

I consider it empty calories. I don't like the texture, and it is
pretty much lacking in flavor. Carby too.

Jean B.