On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 13:04:59 -0500, Kate Connally wrote:
> ImStillMags wrote:
>> On Mar 5, 12:43 pm, Kate Connally > wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I wondered if anyone has a recipe for Korean
>>> Black Goat Stew or any Korean Goat Stew.
>>> I saw it mentioned in a Chowhound article about
>>> a NYC Korean restaurant that serves it.
>> Found this:
>> http://www.lthforum.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6701
>> and this:
>> http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/65051
>> and this:
>> http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/35807
>> looks like you are going to have to find a Korean restaurant and beg
>> them for a recipe........
>> or a little Korean grandmother!!
> Yes, I saw those. Unfortunately no actual recipes. I was hoping
> someone here maybe had a Korean spouse/SO or relative from whom
> they could get a recipe. Now that I think of it I could check
> out any Korean graduate students we might have in the department
> and see if they can get me a recipe. And we used to have a Korean
> postdoc I might be able to track down and ask. Oh, well, I guess
> I've got way more than enough recipes to try that I sure don't
> need another one. And some of those other goat recipes I found
> sure sound yummy.
> Thanks anyway,
> Kate
you might try asking over at alt.food.asian. or doing a google newsgroups
search in that group. (i'm unsure whether that kind of thing would turn up
with a regular google search. i don't think there is a web site vacuuming
up the posts there.)
there's not a whole lot of traffic at a.f.a., but there are some very
knowledgeable posters.
your pal,