Hoo Boy!
sf > wrote:
>On Tue, 09 Mar 2010 15:12:37 -0600, Omelet >
>> That does not surprise me. Right now, I just adjust the position of my
>> glasses on my nose and put up with it. I could not afford another pair
>> of "reading" glasses as my insurance sucked. These glasses cost me
>> $400.00 out of pocket as it was and the frames were not expensive. I
>> waxed cheap and went to wal-mart for once. I could not afford not to.
>Check out the prices at CostCo next time you want glasses, Om.
I agree, my cohabitating dining partner got her computer glasses
(single-vision) at Costco back when we were members, and they
were fairly low cost.
Lower cost still if you want to have them use your old frames,
which is what I usually do.