Hoo Boy!
Omelet wrote:
> In article >, "Jean B." >
> wrote:
>> James Silverton wrote:
>>> I tried progressives but, as a fast reader I move my eyes not my head
>>> and the loss of focus was enough to make me give them up.
>> Yes, they were horrible in that regard in addition to scanning
>> bookcases.
> It took me 2 weeks to adapt, just like the MD told me they would. I did
> not go to an Optometrist. My insurance paid better for a full eye exam
> from a local MD eye doctor. I'd known Dr. Way for years so trusted him.
> They have worked out well!
> My personal opinion (and ymmv) is that adapting to them can be somewhat
> of a matter of being willing to put up with the temporary inconvenience.
> But, whatever works for you of course! <g> I really, really like them!
I think whether or not one is pleased with them also depends on
what one tends to do with one's eyes!
I will say that I suspect my glasses may have been slightly "off"
somehow. At any rate, I won't do that again (ca $700 bucks, but
the frames are salvageable.) I also would, as a result, NEVER
consider such lenses in conjunction with cataract surgery, so
perhaps this was a valuable learning experience for me.
Jean B.
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently
opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
self-evident. --Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)