Thread: Lamb seasoning
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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Lamb seasoning

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "Janet Bostwick" > wrote:
>> I am so sorry to hear you are a fellow sufferer.

> Ditto. It's not easy to live with sometimes.
>> Stress is a big no-no, so
>> try to mellow out.

> But how the hell do I _not_ stress out when I am unemployed for the
> first time since I was a college freshman? :-(
> I'm scared.
>> I think stress is what pushed me to the brink starting
>> last fall. For some reason, this time around, I can't do eggs in any form --
>> feels like claws digging around inside me. I'm semi successful with a small
>> amount of canned cream of tomato soup, but that is about as solid a food
>> form as I can go.

> Cream soups should be good. Tomato won't work for me. <g>
> Maybe cream of chicken.
>> The other thing that is successful is those little
>> crackers with peanut butter they sell at the check out counter. I can
>> nibble one or two crackers of the packet and that will be o.k. You've lost
>> more weight than I. I've lost 17 since Jan. 18. I can do a little
>> Gatorade.

> I may have to reconsider gatorade.
> I tend to avoid it due to the carbs.
>> Sleep? I've been in bed most of the time with the TV on for
>> company and doze in between.

> Been sleeping a lot to. I hear you there!
>> I hope you are able to turn your situation
>> around soon. Take care.
>> Janet

> I try very, very hard to keep a positive attitude...
> Been told by one of the headhunters that I'm very marketable.
> I'm also trying to learn how to become an importer, but that's a
> separate thread. It's possible to start a new business on a shoestring,
> especially if one is willing to risk some credit.
> What is causing your stress? That is a biggie with IBS imho.
> Stress and food intolerances.
> I need to get more Pepto' and Tagamet today.

Still, Om, you have to try to chill out. Yes, do what you have to
do to get another job, but beyond that stress is just damaging. I
know this altogether too well.

Jean B.