Thread: Lamb seasoning
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Lamb seasoning

Omelet wrote:

>>> Funny how tastes vary. Mom *always* made mint sauce to go with our roast
>>> leg of lamb (which was one of our Sunday lunch regulars when I was a
>>> kid). I liked it. Maybe it's a British Thing, I dunno.

>> No. I love mint with lamb.

> Ok. :-) But I eat very little lamb. It's too expensive!

It does tend to be more expensive than other meats. The price varies a
lot. I always keep and eye out for lamb shanks because the price of them
seems to vary more than the other cuts, and I am talking about prices
often being double their lows. I tend to get it only when the prices are
down. My local grocery store sells rolled up boneless legs, usually
around 2-1/2 pounds, and they run $11-12 when prices are down, $19-24
when prices are up.