Thread: Hoo Boy!
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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Hoo Boy!

On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 14:33:34 -0600, Omelet >

> Gotcha. I'll check them next time, thanks! For now tho', I won't be
> getting new glasses anytime soon. I have to be able to pay for a Dr.'s
> appt and that's out until I have insurance again.

CostCo has an optometrist in house, they are "independent" but I bet
it's reasonable. My glasses are ready to be picked up, so if I think
about it when I'm there I'll find out for you.
> Got a call about 1 hour ago from the Blood Bank supervisor. She needs a
> separate interview. Monday at 10:30 am. Wish me luck that I don't screw
> it up! <sigh>

Good luck!

> BB supervisors are picky with good reason, and I do lack
> some speciality skills.
> But I can learn...

You are certainly familiar with the computer (talk it up), all you
need to learn are the specialized programs they use. Since your last
job was computer related and medical, you should have the inside

Crossing my fingers for you!

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Sometimes I even put it in the food.