Lamb seasoning
Omelet wrote:
> In article >, "Jean B." >
> wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> Bentyl or Levsin. I've used Levsin in the past (good stuff), but I
>>> cannot afford to see an MD to get an Rx at the moment.
>>> But, thank you. :-)
>>> Right now, generic Tagamet is working. I switch back and forth between
>>> that and Zantac.
>> BTW, I get colitis when I am really stressed out.
> Colitis is part of IBS hon'. Dr. Deschner (the Gastroenterologist MD)
> told me that IBS includes the entire digestive tract, from mouth to
> anus...
I hadn't heard that. But then I have been lucky for some years
now. Maybe not much longer though...
Jean B.