That bag of dried seaweed from the Asian market
....that I bought last week. I finally opened it today. Tasted a
piece of the dried kelp, and it has a pleasant kind of salty and
iodine taste. Not /nearly/ as salty as seawater, but otherwise
reminiscent of it. I soaked a big handful in cool water for about
20 minutes, then drained it (reserving the water) and set aside.
I put the soaking water in a wok with a couple of sliced carrots,
some frozen cut green beans, and a little bit of oil. Cooked
uncovered until the water was about boiled away, then added some
onion. When that was cooked dry and sautéed a bit, I added the
soaked kelp, some cooked brown rice, and a little garlic salt.
Heated thru, and served.
It was good, and surprisingly filling considering there was no meat
or dried beans. The kelp kind of looked like chopped spinach in the
finished dish. I think I could eat this a couple of times a week.