Hoo Boy!
On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 20:23:33 -0500, "Jean B." > wrote:
> Steve B wrote:
> > "Jean B." > wrote
> >
> >> No COBRA? I kept my health insurance through COBRA and have kept it ever
> >> since. I won't be able to afford it indefinitely. You wouldn't believe
> >> my premiums.
> >> Jean B.
> >
> > I know. It's ridiculous, isn't it? It's $291 a month for health, dental,
> > and vision for me and my wife!
> >
> > Steve, ducking and running from INCOMING!
> >
> >
> You don't want to know what I pay for myself only. (If you do, it
> will be sent privately.) Let's just say I would be deliriously
> happy to pay that amount. Gee, mine also doesn't include dental
> or optical care.
I think he meant ridiculously inexpensive. Must work for the
gub'ment. Those people have cornered the market on low cost Cadillac
health care plans. I know because I read it here.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.