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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Sun Tea

sf wrote:
>(Steve Pope) wrote:
>> Bob Terwilliger > wrote:
>> >I used to make sun tea frequently until I read about the "ropy bacteria"
>> >problem.
>> >
>> >

>> It's not a problem, just don't put the sun tea jar in the sun.
>> It brews just fine in the dark.

>That's what I've never understood about sun tea. Why do they call it
>sun tea when it brews on the counter or in the refrigerator?

Making sun tea out of the sun probably breeds more/more dangerous
bacteria because the sun's UV light destroys many bacteria.

"Brewing" tea is a misnomer, tea is an *infusion*. Different teas are
produced according to how leaves from the same plant are processed
(all teas are from the same plant). Most teas are made by fermenting
the leaves to various degrees, whereas those same leaves are then
permitted to infuse. Room temperature or sun warmed stagnant water
containing any leaves will over time "brew" bacteria, same as pond

An infusion is the flavor that's extracted from an ingredient such as
tea leaves, herbs or fruit by STEEPING them in a liquid (usually hot),
such as water, for tea. In today's culinary parlance, sauces that have
been variously flavored (as with herbs) are also called infusions.

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