A library book sale funny
Went to my library's used book sale this morning, bright and early,
and grabbed a small stack of cookbooks. Spent a whopping $9. I was
in and out in ten minutes - you gotta work fast 'cause the used book
sellers show up in force and practically inhale books - a guy picking
through the cookbooks next to me already had at least 50 books stacked
up in "his" corner. But I digress.
There was a booklet called Quick and Easy Casseroles. "Over 100
superb recipes! Most are ready to bake in 15 minutes or less!"
Well, OK, I like casseroles, so I snarfed it up. On returning home, I
noticed the can of Durkee French Fried Onions next to the dish on the
cover picture. Sure enough, every one of those 100 recipes has Durkee
French Fried Onions in it. (You know, those fairly disgusting canned
things that top the "standard" Thanksgiving green bean casserole,
which of course is in this booklet.)
So I'm out 50 cents :-)
Silvar Beitel