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Paul Cardiff Paul Cardiff is offline
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Default Legislation Banning Salt in Food in New York City

On 2010-03-11 12:53:29 -0500, Damaeus said:


> New York City chefs and restaurant owners are taking aim at a bill
> introduced in the New York Legislature that, if passed, would ban the use
> of salt in restaurant cooking.
> "No owner or operator of a restaurant in this state shall use salt in any
> form in the preparation of any food for consumption by customers of such
> restaurant, including food prepared to be consumed on the premises of such
> restaurant or off of such premises," the bill, A. 10129, states in part.

Legislators propose all kinds of goofy shit, it doesn't mean that it
will get passed, or if passed that it won't be challenged. While this
proposal might make litle Felix Ortiz feel better, I seriously doubt it
would get close to passing. It's nuts, even for a politician.

Now trans fat on the other hand, that shit has got to go!
