A library book sale funny
On Mar 12, 1:29 pm, Becca > wrote:
> Silvar Beitel wrote:
> > Went to my library's used book sale this morning, bright and early,
> > and grabbed a small stack of cookbooks. Spent a whopping $9. I was
> > in and out in ten minutes - you gotta work fast 'cause the used book
> > sellers show up in force and practically inhale books - a guy picking
> > through the cookbooks next to me already had at least 50 books stacked
> > up in "his" corner. But I digress.
> Glad you found a few books. Our "Friends of the Library" get first
> choice, that is one of the advantages to being a volunteer.
> Becca
Thanks. The "Friends" should get all the books they want. Sorting
and stacking all those books and carting them over to the place where
they hold the event is major physical work!