"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> "Silvar Beitel" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Went to my library's used book sale this morning, bright and early,
>> and grabbed a small stack of cookbooks. Spent a whopping $9. I was
>> in and out in ten minutes - you gotta work fast 'cause the used book
>> sellers show up in force and practically inhale books - a guy picking
>> through the cookbooks next to me already had at least 50 books stacked
>> up in "his" corner. But I digress.
>> There was a booklet called Quick and Easy Casseroles. "Over 100
>> superb recipes! Most are ready to bake in 15 minutes or less!"
>> Well, OK, I like casseroles, so I snarfed it up. On returning home, I
>> noticed the can of Durkee French Fried Onions next to the dish on the
>> cover picture. Sure enough, every one of those 100 recipes has Durkee
>> French Fried Onions in it. (You know, those fairly disgusting canned
>> things that top the "standard" Thanksgiving green bean casserole,
>> which of course is in this booklet.)
>> So I'm out 50 cents :-)
>> --
>> Silvar Beitel
> That is a VERY DANGEROUS practice.
> That's how it starts - 600 cookbooks later......
> --
> Dimitri
> Searing
> http://kitchenguide.wordpress.com.
600 cookbooks? Rank amateur.