A library book sale funny
On Mar 12, 4:57 pm, sf > wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 11:38:55 -0800, Ranee at Arabian Knits
> > wrote:
> > The Trader Joe's version was made with real food, though I still
> > wouldn't want to rely on it all the time. It was nice to have on hand
> > for times when I didn't have time to fry up onions separately myself.
> > The Durkees ones don't taste good to me, though.
> I've only tried Durkee that one time and was surprised they were so
> good. I'll get some Trader Joe's and keep it until next Thanksgiving,
> which is when I'll make the green bean casserole again.
> --
> I love cooking with wine.
> Sometimes I even put it in the food.
There is tradition. Things I wouldn't eat normally, but, at
Thanksgiving I want that crap mushroom soup caserole and cranberry
sauce shaped like the can. More topically, I'm just going to grab
whatever corned beef thing the local grocery has. Might be more
creative on Pi day, Sunday. A dinner pie and a desert one.