Legislation Banning Salt in Food in New York City
On 3/12/2010 5:19 PM, Dan Abel wrote:
> In >,
> "J. > wrote:
>> On 3/12/2010 2:25 PM, Krypsis wrote:
>>> I steam vegetables without salt. I don't leach all the nutrients out by
>>> overcooking.
>> So let's see you make steamed gumbo.
>>> I prefer my vegetables slightly crisp, not limp.
>> And if you get slightly crisp with salt you get rock hard without it, or
>> else overcooked.
>>> Perhaps you would like to give us a detailed explanation of said
>>> chemical processes. It's easy enough to make the claims but I'd like to
>>> see you justify them. There is sufficient evidence that excesses of salt
>>> does long term harm.
>> Find a copy of "On Food and Cooking" (any decent library should have it
>> and it's usually on the shelf at the major chain bookstores), look in
>> the index under "salt", read all the entries.
> Got out my second edition, author Harold McGee, 2004. I was too lazy to
> look up every reference to salt. Everything that referred to salt and
> vegetables was between pp 278-296. For cooked vegetables, all that I
> saw was a reference to softening them slightly when cooked in salt. Of
> course, when you are steaming, if there is no contact between the liquid
> water and the vegetables, there *is* no salt, since it doesn't
> evaporate. For pickled (fermented) vegetables, the amount of salt is
> crucial because that controls which organisms grow. For the kind of
> pickles that most of us actually eat now, there are no organisms, and
> they are preserved by refrigeration or heat treatment.
> The idea that vegetables which are cooked to slightly crisp with salt,
> would be either rock hard or overcooked when cooked without salt seems
> absurd, and certainly wasn't supported by the cite.
Look 'em all up, the proposed legislation does not contain the word
"vegetable". It bans ALL use.