Grilled rainbow trout
"Omelet" > wrote
> You can also grill veggies on them. I grill or steam veggies most of
> the time. I've changed my cooking methods for 4 reasons:
> Frying is MESSY!
> Trying to cut calories rather than worrying about fat being evil.
> Convenience.
> Flavor conservation.
> --
> Peace! Om
> "Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their
> foot down."
> --Steve Rothstein
I had a no stick pan with a folding handle. Had a catchy name, but don't
recall what that was. I'd turn on the big single Camp Chef single burner,
and grill veggies real fast with any type of marinade, or different spices.
It would roast little parts of the veggies to black, and other portions were
cooked just a little more than raw. HIGH heat was the key. Easy for a
cookout. My friends loved it. The pan died a death of too much heat. $20,
IIRC. Need to get another.