Thread: Lamb seasoning
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Cooking dry beans (was Sun Tea)

In article >,
"Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq." > wrote:

> If you are going for the black mushrooms from a Chinese grocery store
> source there will be lots, they buy them in 100 pound boxes.
> But if your like me and happen to have been patronizing the same Italian
> deli for the last 10 years you just might find they will set aside a few
> ounces for you, and in my case they give me a very good price on the
> leftover mushroom powder.
> If you have a mortar and pestle that will work for making your own
> powdered mushrooms from the dried, costly they can be though.

I purchase dried shitakes from the asian market for $7.00 per lb. I
consider that to be a great deal. :-) I have made shitake powder and it
is indeed good stuff. I remove the stems and toss them into the freezer
for stock then break up the caps into small pieces. Those then get
powdered in the blender.

I've not found dried porcinis. Just frozen or fresh. The fresh run about
$40.00 per lb. nowadays.
Peace! Om

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