In article >,
"Steve B" > wrote:
> I had a no stick pan with a folding handle. Had a catchy name, but don't
> recall what that was. I'd turn on the big single Camp Chef single burner,
> and grill veggies real fast with any type of marinade, or different spices.
> It would roast little parts of the veggies to black, and other portions were
> cooked just a little more than raw. HIGH heat was the key. Easy for a
> cookout. My friends loved it. The pan died a death of too much heat. $20,
> IIRC. Need to get another.
> Steve
That is one nice thing about many no-stick pans. They are inexpensive...
;-) I used to use them when I was in college.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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