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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default More CostCo Hotdogs

On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 19:07:50 -0600, Omelet >

>In article >,
> brooklyn1 > wrote:
>> >This is not a light-weight hot dog. I didn't know hot dogs were so
>> >evil. But ounce for ounce it coincides almost exactly with Ball
>> >Park Beef Franks.

>> SPAM is looking better n' better.

>I actually kinda like the taste of Spam (especially cooked) but it's
>just too bloody SALTY! <sigh>

Well, according to sqwartz like 20% less NA than dawgs. No one sez
you gotta pig out on Spam. I don't eat dawgs all that often either. I
probably average either like once a month... and I never ever eat fast
food.... the last time I ate any fast food has to be like 30 years
ago. I don't even eat pizza out very often... last time I did dago
joint chow was a good year ago. I don't normally eat very salty food
so Spam and hot dogs once or twice a month I don't think is any
biggie. Personally I think all this salty talk is a big crock,
eveyone else on the planet consumes far, FAR more sodium than
Americans. All other ethnicities consume far more salt cured foods
than Americans. In the sodium department Americans are pikers. Unless
your MD informs you about a medical condition necessitating curtailing
sodium intake there is no point in getting all ****ed about it in
advance .... according to the news service medical bulletins nothing
is healthful, may as will put that bullet into your ear now. I think,
no, I know, that all the organic, veggie, and salt freaks are SEVERELY
mentally ill, better they expire as soon as possible, they serve no
useful purpose on this planet whatsover, none! I don't know of anyone
who has lived forever, everyone dies and everyone dies exactly the
same, DEAD! I do know with certainty that the most pleasurable
function all mammals experience is eating, shitting and even ****ing.
Once a human being can no longer eat and excrete they may as will be
dead, in fact then they are dead. Pull the plug.